129 Holdom Station

Route diagram is an approximation of the actual route. Please report any inaccuracies.

Service information

Part of route 129 — Patterson Station / Holdom Station.

WeekdaySaturdaySunday & Holiday

Effective from 2024-06-24 to 2024-09-01.

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Bus stop sequence

This trip is eastbound.

  1. 52804 Metrotown Station @ Bay 6
  2. 52514 Westbound Beresford St @ Willingdon Ave
  3. 52515 Patterson Station @ Bay 1
  4. 52516 Northbound Patterson Ave @ Kingsway
  5. 52517 Northbound Barker Ave @ Grange St
  6. 52518 Northbound Patterson Ave @ Sardis St
  7. 52519 Northbound Patterson Ave @ Bond St
  8. 52520 Northbound Patterson Ave @ Burke St
  9. 52521 Northbound Patterson Ave @ Hazelwood Cres
  10. 52522 Northbound Patterson Ave @ Castlewood Cres
  11. 52523 Northbound Patterson Ave @ Moscrop St
  12. 52719 Westbound Moscrop St @ Inman Ave
  13. 51729 Northbound Smith Ave @ Moscrop St
  14. 51730 Northbound Smith Ave @ Fir St
  15. 51731 Northbound Smith Ave @ Spruce St
  16. 51538 Eastbound Kincaid St @ Smith Ave
  17. 51539 Eastbound Kincaid St @ Macdonald Ave
  18. 52720 Northbound Gilmore Way @ Sanderson Way
  19. 52721 Northbound Gilmore Way @ Canada Way
  20. 52722 Northbound Gilmore Diversion @ Canada Way
  21. 52723 Northbound Gilmore Diversion @ Myrtle St
  22. 52730 Northbound Gilmore Ave @ Dawson St
  23. 58388 Northbound Gilmore Ave @ Halifax St
  24. 52798 Northbound Gilmore Ave @ 1st Ave
  25. 52799 Northbound Gilmore Ave @ Kitchener St
  26. 52800 Northbound Gilmore Ave @ William St
  27. 52801 Northbound Gilmore Ave @ Parker St
  28. 52802 Northbound Gilmore Ave @ Union St
  29. 52803 Northbound Gilmore Ave @ Frances St
  30. 58428 Eastbound Hastings St @ Gilmore Ave
  31. 51380 Eastbound Hastings St @ Madison Ave
  32. 51381 Eastbound Hastings St @ Willingdon Ave
  33. 51844 Eastbound Hastings St @ Alpha
  34. 51845 Eastbound Hastings St @ Beta Ave
  35. 51846 Eastbound Hastings St @ Hythe Ave
  36. 51847 Eastbound Hastings St @ Springer Ave
  37. 51848 Eastbound Hastings St @ Howard Ave
  38. 52908 Southbound Holdom Ave @ Hastings St
  39. 52909 Southbound Holdom Ave @ Georgia St
  40. 52910 Southbound Holdom Ave @ Parker St
  41. 52911 Southbound Holdom Ave @ Charles St
  42. 58381 Southbound Holdom Ave @ Halifax St
  43. 58343 Southbound Holdom Ave @ Lougheed Hwy

Route summary

129 Holdom Station departs from Metrotown Station @ Bay 6 en route to Southbound Holdom Ave @ Lougheed Hwy via Westbound Beresford St @ Willingdon Ave, Patterson Station @ Bay 1, Northbound Patterson Ave @ Kingsway, Northbound Barker Ave @ Grange St, Northbound Patterson Ave @ Sardis St, Northbound Patterson Ave @ Bond St, Northbound Patterson Ave @ Burke St, Northbound Patterson Ave @ Hazelwood Cres, Northbound Patterson Ave @ Castlewood Cres, Northbound Patterson Ave @ Moscrop St, Westbound Moscrop St @ Inman Ave, Northbound Smith Ave @ Moscrop St, Northbound Smith Ave @ Fir St, Northbound Smith Ave @ Spruce St, Eastbound Kincaid St @ Smith Ave, Eastbound Kincaid St @ Macdonald Ave, Northbound Gilmore Way @ Sanderson Way, Northbound Gilmore Way @ Canada Way, Northbound Gilmore Diversion @ Canada Way, Northbound Gilmore Diversion @ Myrtle St, Northbound Gilmore Ave @ Dawson St, Northbound Gilmore Ave @ Halifax St, Northbound Gilmore Ave @ 1st Ave, Northbound Gilmore Ave @ Kitchener St, Northbound Gilmore Ave @ William St, Northbound Gilmore Ave @ Parker St, Northbound Gilmore Ave @ Union St, Northbound Gilmore Ave @ Frances St, Eastbound Hastings St @ Gilmore Ave, Eastbound Hastings St @ Madison Ave, Eastbound Hastings St @ Willingdon Ave, Eastbound Hastings St @ Alpha, Eastbound Hastings St @ Beta Ave, Eastbound Hastings St @ Hythe Ave, Eastbound Hastings St @ Springer Ave, Eastbound Hastings St @ Howard Ave, Southbound Holdom Ave @ Hastings St, Southbound Holdom Ave @ Georgia St, Southbound Holdom Ave @ Parker St, Southbound Holdom Ave @ Charles St, and Southbound Holdom Ave @ Halifax St.