555 Port Mann Exp / To Lougheed Station

Route diagram is an approximation of the actual route. Please report any inaccuracies.

Service information

Part of route 555 — Carvolth Exchange / Lougheed Station.

WeekdaySaturdaySunday & Holiday

Effective from 2024-01-01 to 2024-04-14.

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Bus stop sequence

This trip is westbound.

  1. 61717 Carvolth Exchange @ Bay 9
  2. 61959 Westbound Hwy One Offramp @ 156 St
  3. 58432 Lougheed Station @ Bay 8

Route summary

555 Port Mann Exp / To Lougheed Station departs from Carvolth Exchange @ Bay 9 en route to Lougheed Station @ Bay 8 None