503 Fraser Hwy Exp / Surrey Central Station

Route diagram is an approximation of the actual route. Please report any inaccuracies.

Service information

Part of route 503 — Aldergrove / Surrey Central Station.

WeekdaySaturdaySunday & Holiday

Effective from 2024-06-24 to 2024-09-01.

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This trip terminates at Surrey Central Station: a bus interchange.

Bus stop sequence

This trip is outbound.

  1. 57311 Southbound 276 St @ Fraser Hwy
  2. 57312 Southbound 276 St @ Springfield Dr
  3. 57313 Westbound 28 Ave @ 27400 Block
  4. 57314 Westbound 28 Ave @ 273 St
  5. 57315 Northbound 272 St @ 28 Ave
  6. 57316 Westbound 29 Ave @ 272 St
  7. 57317 Westbound 29 Ave @ 270a St
  8. 57318 Westbound 29 Ave @ 268a St
  9. 57161 Westbound 29 Ave @ 266b St
  10. 57319 Westbound 29 Ave @ 264a St
  11. 57171 Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 264 St
  12. 60707 Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 260 St
  13. 57172 Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 256 St
  14. 57173 Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 248 St
  15. 57174 Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 244 St
  16. 57175 Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 240 St
  17. 57176 Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 232 St
  18. 60743 Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 48 Ave
  19. 59983 Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 222 St
  20. 58520 Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 221 St
  21. 58517 Northbound 216 St @ Fraser Hwy
  22. 57344 Northbound 216 St @ 5300 Block
  23. 60866 Westbound 56 Ave @ 213a St
  24. 57347 Westbound 56 Ave @ 210a St
  25. 55297 Westbound 56 Ave @ Langley Bypass
  26. 57348 Westbound 56 Ave @ 208 St
  27. 55298 Westbound 56 Ave @ Logan Ave
  28. 58508 Westbound Logan Ave @ 56 Ave
  29. 55299 Langley Centre @ Bay 1
  30. 57030 Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 201a St
  31. 58591 Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 196a St
  32. 59086 Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 64 Ave
  33. 57140 Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 188 St
  34. 57141 Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 184 St
  35. 55351 Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 168 St
  36. 55353 Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 164 St
  37. 55355 Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 160 St
  38. 55235 Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 156 St
  39. 58628 Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 152 St
  40. 56418 Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 148 St
  41. 56419 Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 140 St
  42. 59339 King George Station @ Bay 4
  43. 56395 Surrey Central Station @ Bay 1 Unloading Only

Route summary

503 Fraser Hwy Exp / Surrey Central Station departs from Southbound 276 St @ Fraser Hwy en route to Surrey Central Station @ Bay 1 Unloading Only via Southbound 276 St @ Springfield Dr, Westbound 28 Ave @ 27400 Block, Westbound 28 Ave @ 273 St, Northbound 272 St @ 28 Ave, Westbound 29 Ave @ 272 St, Westbound 29 Ave @ 270a St, Westbound 29 Ave @ 268a St, Westbound 29 Ave @ 266b St, Westbound 29 Ave @ 264a St, Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 264 St, Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 260 St, Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 256 St, Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 248 St, Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 244 St, Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 240 St, Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 232 St, Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 48 Ave, Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 222 St, Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 221 St, Northbound 216 St @ Fraser Hwy, Northbound 216 St @ 5300 Block, Westbound 56 Ave @ 213a St, Westbound 56 Ave @ 210a St, Westbound 56 Ave @ Langley Bypass, Westbound 56 Ave @ 208 St, Westbound 56 Ave @ Logan Ave, Westbound Logan Ave @ 56 Ave, Langley Centre @ Bay 1, Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 201a St, Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 196a St, Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 64 Ave, Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 188 St, Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 184 St, Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 168 St, Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 164 St, Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 160 St, Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 156 St, Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 152 St, Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 148 St, Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 140 St, and King George Station @ Bay 4.