280 Bluewater

Route diagram is an approximation of the actual route. Please report any inaccuracies.

Service information

Part of route 280 — Bluewater / Snug Cove.

WeekdaySaturdaySunday & Holiday

Effective from 2024-04-15 to 2024-06-23.

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Route summary

280 Bluewater departs from Bowen Island Trunk Rd @ Snug Cove en route to Northbound Windjammer Rd @ Arbutus Point Rd (Flag) via Westbound Grafton Rd @ Artisan Square (Flag), Artisan Square (Flag), Westbound Grafton Rd @ 900 Block (Flag), Westbound Adams Rd @ Cowan (Flag), Westbound Adams Rd @ 1400 Block (Flag), and Westbound @ Bowen Bay (Flag).