Make timetable for route 245 — Phibbs / Capilano

Route245 — Phibbs / Capilano

Pick stops

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60685 Phibbs Exchange @ Bay 8
51749 Northbound Mountain Hwy @ Crown St
53962 Northbound Mountain Hwy @ Fern St
54422 Northbound Lillooet Rd @ Mt Seymour Parkway
51752 Northbound Lillooet Rd @ 1000 Block
51753 Eastbound Purcell Way @ Lillooet Rd
51754 Westbound Purcell Way @ Skeena Rd
61239 Northbound Lillooet Rd @ Purcell Way
61070 Capilano University @ Bay 2
61070 Capilano University @ Bay 2
51753 Eastbound Purcell Way @ Lillooet Rd
54423 Westbound Purcell Way @ Capilano University
51755 Southbound Lillooet Rd @ Purcell Way
58161 Southbound Lillooet Rd @ 1000 Block
51756 Southbound Lillooet Rd @ Mt Seymour Parkway
51757 Southbound Mountain Hwy @ Fern St
51758 Southbound Mountain Hwy @ Charlotte Rd
51759 Southbound Mountain Hwy @ Rupert St
60684 Phibbs Exchange @ Bay 7