159 Coquitlam Central Station

Route diagram is an approximation of the actual route. Please report any inaccuracies.

Service information

Part of route 159 — Coquitlam Central Station / Braid Station.

WeekdaySaturdaySunday & Holiday

Effective from 2024-06-24 to 2024-09-01.

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This trip terminates at Coquitlam Central Station: a bus interchange.

Bus stop sequence

This trip is eastbound.

  1. 58082 Braid Station @ Bay 2
  2. 53514 Eastbound Brunette Ave @ Bernatchey St
  3. 53515 Eastbound Brunette Ave @ Blue Mountain St
  4. 58108 Eastbound Lougheed Hwy @ Woolridge St
  5. 61613 Eastbound Lougheed Hwy @ Woolridge Connector
  6. 61515 Eastbound United Blvd @ King Edward St
  7. 53635 Eastbound United Blvd @ Clipper St
  8. 59017 Southbound Brigantine Dr @ United Blvd
  9. 59032 Eastbound Hartley Ave @ Brigantine Dr
  10. 59034 Eastbound Hartley Ave @ 1600 Block
  11. 59019 Northbound Schooner St @ Hartley Ave
  12. 53637 Eastbound United Blvd @ Schooner St
  13. 59026 Eastbound United Blvd @ Fawcett
  14. 53639 Eastbound United Blvd @ Leeder St
  15. 53640 Eastbound United Blvd @ Burbidge St
  16. 59031 Westbound Shuswap Ave @ North Bend St
  17. 59030 Westbound Canoe Ave @ 2400 Block
  18. 59028 Northbound Golden Dr @ Rocket Way
  19. 59027 Northbound Golden Dr @ 100 Block
  20. 59029 Eastbound Golden Dr @ North Bend St
  21. 58636 Northbound Shaughnessy St @ Mary Hill Bypass
  22. 53673 Northbound Shaughnessy St @ Citadel Dr
  23. 53644 Eastbound Citadel Dr @ Capital Court
  24. 53645 Eastbound Citadel Dr @ Palisade Cres
  25. 53646 Eastbound Citadel Dr @ Confederation Dr
  26. 53647 Eastbound Citadel Dr @ 900 Block
  27. 53648 Eastbound Citadel Dr @ Castle Cres
  28. 53649 Eastbound Citadel Dr @ Castle Cres
  29. 53674 Eastbound Citadel Dr @ Gateway Place
  30. 53650 Eastbound Citadel Dr @ Pitt River Rd
  31. 53651 Northbound Pitt River Rd @ Columbia Ave
  32. 59786 Northbound Pitt River Rd @ Pooley Ave
  33. 53653 Northbound Pitt River Rd @ Cameron Ave
  34. 53654 Northbound Pitt River Rd @ Warwick Ave
  35. 53655 Westbound Pitt River Rd @ Mclean Ave
  36. 53656 Westbound Pitt River Rd @ Mary Hill Rd
  37. 53657 Northbound Mary Hill Rd @ Hawthorne Ave
  38. 53027 Eastbound Wilson Ave @ Mary Hill Rd
  39. 53348 Port Coquitlam Station @ Bay 6
  40. 53029 Westbound Wilson Ave @ Kingsway Ave
  41. 53441 Westbound Wilson Ave @ Mary Hill Rd
  42. 53030 Westbound Wilson Ave @ Shaughnessy St
  43. 61013 Northbound Shaughnessy St @ Mcallister Ave
  44. 53032 Northbound Shaughnessy St @ Lions Way
  45. 53033 Westbound Lougheed Hwy @ Hastings St
  46. 53034 Westbound Lougheed Hwy @ Westwood St
  47. 53864 Coquitlam Central Station @ Bay 10

Route summary

159 Coquitlam Central Station departs from Braid Station @ Bay 2 en route to Coquitlam Central Station @ Bay 10 via Eastbound Brunette Ave @ Bernatchey St, Eastbound Brunette Ave @ Blue Mountain St, Eastbound Lougheed Hwy @ Woolridge St, Eastbound Lougheed Hwy @ Woolridge Connector, Eastbound United Blvd @ King Edward St, Eastbound United Blvd @ Clipper St, Southbound Brigantine Dr @ United Blvd, Eastbound Hartley Ave @ Brigantine Dr, Eastbound Hartley Ave @ 1600 Block, Northbound Schooner St @ Hartley Ave, Eastbound United Blvd @ Schooner St, Eastbound United Blvd @ Fawcett, Eastbound United Blvd @ Leeder St, Eastbound United Blvd @ Burbidge St, Westbound Shuswap Ave @ North Bend St, Westbound Canoe Ave @ 2400 Block, Northbound Golden Dr @ Rocket Way, Northbound Golden Dr @ 100 Block, Eastbound Golden Dr @ North Bend St, Northbound Shaughnessy St @ Mary Hill Bypass, Northbound Shaughnessy St @ Citadel Dr, Eastbound Citadel Dr @ Capital Court, Eastbound Citadel Dr @ Palisade Cres, Eastbound Citadel Dr @ Confederation Dr, Eastbound Citadel Dr @ 900 Block, Eastbound Citadel Dr @ Castle Cres, Eastbound Citadel Dr @ Gateway Place, Eastbound Citadel Dr @ Pitt River Rd, Northbound Pitt River Rd @ Columbia Ave, Northbound Pitt River Rd @ Pooley Ave, Northbound Pitt River Rd @ Cameron Ave, Northbound Pitt River Rd @ Warwick Ave, Westbound Pitt River Rd @ Mclean Ave, Westbound Pitt River Rd @ Mary Hill Rd, Northbound Mary Hill Rd @ Hawthorne Ave, Eastbound Wilson Ave @ Mary Hill Rd, Port Coquitlam Station @ Bay 6, Westbound Wilson Ave @ Kingsway Ave, Westbound Wilson Ave @ Mary Hill Rd, Westbound Wilson Ave @ Shaughnessy St, Northbound Shaughnessy St @ Mcallister Ave, Northbound Shaughnessy St @ Lions Way, Westbound Lougheed Hwy @ Hastings St, and Westbound Lougheed Hwy @ Westwood St.